License / Price: Freeware
Version: MPV-EASY Player
Date added: June 30th, 2020
Language: English
File size: 60.1 MB
OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

Easy to use, quickly and simpler then MPV media player.

MPV-EASY Player is a film player dependent on mpv.It accompanies a simple to-utilize interface, you can rapidly modify numerous boundaries, deliberately balanced default settings will have the option to invigorate all the presentation of the mpv movie player, with the goal that the utilization of mpv player is a lot more straightforward than previously.

Furthermore, mplayer regularly devours minimal measure of assets when playing recordings, so you will find that playing a HD film on an ineffectively designed PC, mplayer is generally the smoothest and the hole can best be reflected when utilizing quick sending. Different players as of now have When the picture freezes, the mplayer picture can just feel dropped outlines.


MPV-EASY Player V0.32.0.4

MPV-EASY Player update content: autoload.lua (automatically loaded as a playlist) upgraded to the latest version Non-mpv built-in osc appearance style files: osc.lua, osc—*.lua are updated according to the latest mpv official osc.lua. playlistmanager.lua (advanced playlist) upgrade to the latest version, and modify the usage habits to MPV-EASY Player style. MPV-EASY setting interface: [Imitated Gaussian Blur] The setting is renamed to [Imitated Gaussian Blur for MPV-EASY Borderless GUI], and the corresponding English translation has been updated.

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