HandBrake 1.3.3 (64-bit)
HandBrake 1.3.3 (64-bit) is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for Windows, Linux and MacOS X. HandBrake is a tool that enables you to convert DVDs to MP4s or MKVs. HandBrake is a video transcoder that takes your movies and transfers them to a format that’s useful on your computers, media centers, and portable electronic devices. It converts any video formats to a handful of modern ones. HandBrake supports output of MP4(M4V) and MKV formats; H.264, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, or Theora video; and AAC, CoreAudio AAC/HE-AAC, MP3, Flac, Vorbis, AC-3, DTS, DTS-HD, AAC and MP3 pass-thru audio. It features Chapter selection, Chapter Markers, Subtitles, Constant Quality or Average Bitrate Video Encoding; Support for VFR, CFR and VFR; Deinterlacing, Decomb, Detelecine, Deblock, Grayscale Cropping and scaling; Live Video Preview; Built-in presets for common devices, and lots more!
All platforms
- Fixed ISO 639-2/B language codes not set correctly in MKV (affects Hebrew, Indonesian, Javanese, and Yiddish)
- Improved support for sources where pixel format cannot be quickly identified, e.g. due to delayed video track start
- Added logging to identify where hardware support is disabled
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- Improved Intel QSV memory footprint by eliminating a buffer pool
- Improved Intel QSV H.265 memory buffer size as required by newer Intel Media SDK
- Fixed and improved Intel QSV in various situations, especially hardware decoding
- Fixed full range video being not being identified as limited range after conversion where filters are used
- Fixed handling of overlapping SSA import subtitles
- Improved support for out-of-order SSA subtitles as allowed by specification
Command line interface
- Fixed –preset failure unless full path is specified, e.g. –preset=”Category Name/Preset Name”
Build system
- Improved Flatpak to better conform to freedesktop metainfo standards
- Improved Intel QSV Flatpak plugin build effiency using cmake-ninja
- Added a patch to fix cross compiling libdav1d using GCC 10.x (quality of life improvement)
- Official HandBrake 1.3.3 Windows release is built using GCC 9.x and is not directly affected by this issue
Third-party libraries
- Updated libraries
- FFmpeg 4.2.3 (decoding and filters)
- Fixed preview layout not displaying properly on OS X 10.11 El Capitan
- Fixed incorrect copyright year on About dialog
- Fixed a crash related to the dark theme
- Fixed a potential crash related to preview image memory allocation
- Fixed a potential crash due to certain actions causing no preset being selected
- Fixed missing E-AC-3 encoder option
- Fixed hardware encoder support unavailable in portable build
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements