Total Commander 9.51 Release Candidate 6 (64-bit)

License / Price: Shareware
Version: Total Commander 9.51 Release Candidate 6 (64-bit)
Date added: March 19th, 2020
Language: English
File size: 5.2 MB
Developer: Christian Ghisler
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

Total Commander 9.51 Release Candidate 6 (64-bit)

Total Commander free update/Demo version file manager software.

Some features include an integrated FTP client, file comparison, compressed file search and a versatile multi-name utility with regular expression support. Multi language support.

It was created by Christian Ghisler, written in Delphi 2 (32-bit version) and Delphi 1 (16-bit version). It is currently written in Object Pascal. The program is extensible by programmers via an open API and has the ability to join external programs to view and edit files. Multiple plugins are freely available (for example, for compression or image formats), while more advanced ones are commercial.

The main version is shareware, the user must register or remove it within 30 days. The unregistered version shows a window that can register every time the program is opened, men full functionality is maintained even after the 30-day period.

A notable feature of Total Commander is that in addition to allowing access to Windows hard disk partitions, Linux partitions (ext2, ext3 and Reiser file systems) can also be obtained from the same machine. Therefore, for dual boot configuration computers (with more than one operating system installation) with both Windows and Linux, Total Commander provides solid access to all files stored on the hard disk.

Direct access to Network Neighbourhood
Supports Drag & Drop with Explorer/the Desktop etc.
Command line for starting of programs with parameters, simply by typing the program name or by pressing CTRL+ENTER or CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
Configurable button bar and Start menu (User-defined commands) to place your frequently used DOS or Windows programs into a drop-down menu. The actual directory and/or the file under the cursor can be delivered to the application.
Configurable main menu.
Built in file viewer (Lister) to view files of ANY SIZE in hex, binary or text format, using either the ASCII- (DOS) or the ANSI- (Windows) character set. The line width and font size can now be changed. You can even view files inside archives! New: Support for Unicode UTF-8 format.
Bitmap viewer in Lister, additional formats through Irfanview (see addons).
HTML- and Unicode-Viewer in Lister.
Parallel port transfer function (direct cable connection), works between Win95/98/NT/2000/3.1 and DOS!
Thumnbails view shows preview images in file lists.
Custom columns view allow to show additional file details.
Multi-rename tool to rename many files with specific rules, or by editing the names in a text editor
Total Commander comes in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, and now also Hebrew, Greek, Afrikaans, Catalan, Turkish and Ukrainian!
The help is available in English, German and French (separately).

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