FileZilla 3.27.0 RC1 (32-bit)
FileZilla is a powerful Open Source FTP/SFTP client with many features. It includes a site manager to store all your connection details and logins as well as an Explorer style interface that shows the local and remote folders and can be customized independently. The program offers support for firewalls and proxy connections as well as SSL and Kerberos GSS security. Additional features include keep alive, auto ascii/binary transfer, download queue, manual transfers, raw FTP commands and more. A nice program for beginners and advanced user alike.
Changes in 3.27.0 RC1:
New features:
Support for the Storj decentralized cloud storage provider
Bugfixes and minor changes:
MSW: Fix display of file type of directories if the directory name contains a dot
Fix assertion if entering an invalid protocol prefix into the host field on the quickconnect bar or in the site manager
Improve error message if TLS certificate verification fails due to a missing stapled OCSP resonse
Building and running FileZilla now depends on libfilezilla >= 0.10.0 (