Steam 26.03.2020
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What’s New:
A new Steam client has been released and is being automatically downloaded. In addition to all of the changes from March 9, this minor update includes the following fixes:
Fixed a bug preventing non-Steam game shortcuts from being saved across restarts
Fixed several rare crashes and hangs
Fixed a bug with multiple Xbox controllers where one controller could register double-input and the other would register no input
In-Home Streaming
Reduced stutter and delay when streaming from a computer with a Gigabit network interface to a computer with a 100 Mbit interface
Added support for hotplugging headphones on the streaming client computer
Added support for the third-party VB-CABLE virtual audio driver for improved 5.1 surround streaming
Fixed a source of occasional frame stutter when capturing video from the host computer
Fixed limiting the video framerate when using the Steam Link just to stream audio or for remote input