Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus

License / Price: Commercial Trial
Version: Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus
Date added: July 22nd, 2017
Language: English
File size: 1024 KB
Developer: Webroot Inc.
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus
Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus protects you from online threats with the world’s most powerful cloud security solution, keeping you safe no matter how or where you connect. It scans faster, uses fewer system resources, and protects you in real-time by instantly identifying and blocking new threats as soon as they appear. SecureAnywhere AntiVirus runs on most supported systems, even slow or older computers. Download Webroot Antivirus Offline Installer Setup!

Webroot uses 143x less disk space than the next closest competitor. This chart compares the total size of files added during the installation of Antivirus products. Products with lower installation sizes are considered better performing products in this Category.

Webroot uses 11x less computer memory than the closest competitor during system idle. This chart compares the average amount of RAM in use by an Antivirus Product during a perioid of system idle. This average is taken from a sample of ten memory snapshots taken at roughly 60 seconds apart after reboot. Products with lower idle RAM usage are considered better performing products in this category.

Webroot security is up and running in 5 seconds – 38x faster than the competitor average. This chart compares the minimum installation time it takes for Antivirus products to be fully functional and ready for use by the end user. Products with lower installation times are considered better performing products in this category. Download Webroot Antivirus Offline Installer Setup.

Hassle-Free Cloud Security
Set it and forget it, cloud based protection offers real-time updates to secure against known and newly discovered threats.

Secure Browsing and Real-time Anti-Phishing
Proactively checks URLs and websites for malicious content while blocking fake sites that trick you into entering personal information.

Identity Theft Protection
Works silently in the background to protect your usernames, account numbers, and other personal information.

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